Sino&Germany (Z&D) 3056 stainless steel bearings and corrosion reasons for resistance and corrosion reveals the secrets

Release Time : 2024/01/15 Read:

Many customers use a 3056 bearings of stainless steel in order to avoid corrosion. So do you know why stainless steel is resistant to corrosion? Today, Sino&Germany (Z&D) talks about the following reasons for this.

The corrosion resistance of stainless steel depends on chromium, but because chromium is one of the components of steel, the protection methods are different.

When the amount of chromium reaches 10.5 %, the resistance of steel tolerance has increased significantly, but when the chromium content is higher, although it can still improve corrosion resistance, it is not obvious. The reason is that when chromium is used to perform alloying of steel, the type of oxide on the surface is changed to surface oxides similar to the formation of pure chromium metal. This tight adhesive chromium -rich oxide protects the surface to prevent further oxidation. This oxidation layer is extremely thin. Through it, you can see the natural luster of the steel surface, which makes stainless steel have a unique surface. Moreover, if the surface layer is damaged, the exposed steel surface will self -repair with the atmospheric response, and re -form this oxide "passivation film", and continue to play a protective effect. Therefore, all stainless steel elements have a common characteristic, that is, the chromium content is above 10.5 %.

In addition to chromium, the commonly used alloy elements include nickel, molybdenum, titanium, tadpoles, copper, nitrogen, etc., to meet the requirements of various purposes for stainless steel tissue and performance.